Monday, April 20, 2009

A story for Ari

OK now, its time to put on your beret, get out your bongos, and just groooooove with me for a minute, its about to get crunchy in here.

Amazingly, abstinece allows absolutly amazing ambience. Blackly brooding, brotther broke barriers bluntly by bringing big banter. Carefully clutching a crimson crayon, creation crawls coyly centre-stage. Drafts dart dangerously, dragging disorderly demons into darkness. Everywhere, every event enters evidence. For freakish frivolity, and for fans, feverishly fliting from front to far. God grimaces. I hadn't heard him heartily hating... Ideas? Images? Its insidious, isn't it?
Just joking.

Damn thats kinda tricky and more than a little incoherent, but all the spirit of flexing the creative muscle. So heres the deal, I'm gonna get a little crazy up in here, I need to shake loose the shackles of archetypes and just say stuff, not worrying about if its been said before, but just saying it in my words and to hell with the critics!

And before I go, heres an old favorite, I posted this on a couple of other sources, but its one of my favorite things I've ever written, a psychadellically inspired tale of tumultuous love between myself and a lady I've never stopped loving, and maybe never will.... For your reading pleasure, I present to you, the tale of Mary Jane and I.


I first met Mary Jane in grade 8. All my friernds were buzzing about her, she hung out with all the cool kids. When we first met she didn't really do anything for me, I just didn't see why everyone liked her so much. For a couple of years I didn't think about her, save the occasional time she came up in conversation. Then, one beautiful spring day, I met her again in the park. She was with some friends of mine, and they all welcomed me to join them. I did, and it was excellent, Mary Jane and I connected in this new way that I never imagined before. I started seeing her during lunch, I knew I shouldn't because she always left my head spinning, but she was just so much fun to be around. After a while, I made a decision and swore her off, saying that I'd just visit with her on the weekends. It was getting to the point that she was alienating me from the rest of my friends, so I took it easy again. By the time I got to university, she and I were old friends. Second year, I married her, she was always with me. And it was passionate, sometimes we were together ten times a day. But it was a life I couldn't hope to maintain. When I broke off the marriage, I ended a lot of things in my life. I dropped out of university, found myself in a lot of debt, and had to start making a life for myself. I still see her, maybe its weakness, but our affair will likely never end. I love Mary Jane, and the way she makes me feel. We still have mutual friends and we get together with them from time to time. She really is less of an influence in my life these days, but I'll always remember her, even if one day I swear her off completely.

Reposted: 4/20/2009

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