Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Did It!!!

I did it! I cracked the code! I know what it takes to be a prolific writer! All you need is a little imagination, and no money at all! When you're broke and want to do things, but can't afford to, you write, like, all the time!!! So now that I have achieved this status, I'm ready to write, mostly because there is nothing else to do!
Not to discredit you, dear reader, I don't want you to feel like a last resort, I love to come here and attempt to entertain you, but you have to understand that its hard to make time to muse and aspire in text form when theres stuff to do! I confess I'd rather be out in the park with friends making music in the sun, but sometimes one or more of the variables are missing, and the equation is suddenly lacking...

Anyway, I have an idea for a story that hopefully I can develop into a full on ... dare I say.... novel? That would be cool but I don't know if I'm ready. I want to write a story from the perspective of God, and voice his frustration in needing to have a plan, and how its like the scrpit to the biggest, longest movie ever. He would be faced with players who'd seen their last curtain complaining about the writing, or their lack of lines in the main dialogue.... The more I think about this story the more I think I can make it happen, at least as a compelling short story. If anyone out there is reading let me know what you think....

1 comment:

  1. It makes me think--I've read a similar story once before but not entirely the same. I say roll with it! Great blurbs last little while too btw. :)
