Monday, March 9, 2009

The Great yet Humble Beginning

Wow I haven't done this is a couple of years now, and now that I think about it I kind of missed it. I suppose I should start at the beginning. I'm 24 now, up until a month ago, I was happily working as a waiter.
Then on Febuary 12th, I was hit by a cab while rollerblading downtown. The next day, Friday the 13th, I went under the knife at St. Mikes hospital for major reconstructive surgury on my back; the accident left me with one completely shattered lumbar in my lower back. I spent my worst Valentines to date in the ICU, swimming around in uncertainty, and a morphine induced haze, wondering if I would be able to walk ever again. Turns out I had a brilliant surgeon, and not only did the surgury go smoothly, but I was up and walking (albeit painfully for a while) a couple of days later.
Now we get back to my mention of being a waiter. As you may have guessed my spine is not as strong as it once was, and suddenly the prospect of lugging around 24s, kegs of beer, and several plates of food around for a living doesn't seem like such a keen option. Too bad to, I was really good at it, and really didn't know anything else. I'd been working service industry since I was a kid.
This lead me to start thinking about a career change. Weather I liked it or not, I would have to do something else to make my money. So I started thinking. I like music, making it, listening to it, and just the vibe that musicians put out there. I like writing, though I don't have any formal training, I've always at least been able to put a sentence together, and when I'm lucky I could even make a few of them make sense together. How am I doing so far? I also really like travel, and lately, more specifically, I've loved hitchhiking around Canada.
Now any of the above things would be pretty tricky to make a career out of individually, but what if I were to amjalgamate the three into the ultimate career? What if I could get paid to hitch around this country and write about the music and adventures I had on the way? Wouldn't that be sweet? Any takers?
I'm hoping that somewhere in this beautiful country there is a publication that is looking for a fun loving wordsmith with an unbreakable spirit, and (litterally) nerves of steel (hit by a car! Come on!), to write for them regularly. Until I find such a publication, I'll settle for blogger, and get my chops up til my next big break.
So far I've hitched from Halifax to Vancouver (that was a race too, and an aborted documentary), and from Toronto to the far end of Newfoundland and back the year after that. This year, provided my spinal recovery goes according to plan is to do PEI and back, but theres a good chance thatI'll be doing Lake Louise/Calgary too. That largely has to do with time money, and weather or not I hit the afore-mentioned big break.

Tune in next time kids, and I'll do my best to keep you entertained!

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