Friday, May 15, 2009

The Peaceful Warrior

Hey all, I just thought I'd mention this book that means a whole lot to me. The Peaceful Warrior is a story about a dude about my age, who is reasonably "happy" with his life, but then discovers with the help of an old mystic at a gas station that he has only scratched the surface of real happiness.
Part of his training is that he goes through spiritual and physical trauma. In doing so, he strengthens his spirit, and loses his mind, but in a beneficial way. He loses the part of his mind that provides him with obsession, worry, and noise in his head, and opens the gate to enlightenment, and unreasonable happiness. Unreasonable because you should never need a reason to be happy, happiness can be found in the simplest things, like the continuing magic of existance unfolding.
I really like the story, I read it a few years ago, and it was really nice to revisit it again now... IT left me realizing that I've found and applied some of the wisdom that the book has to offer, but there are still weaknesses in myself that I need to work on.... I'm still the fool with a spirit, caught up in my own drama.... There are a lot of ideas that are incredibly difficult to put into words, nay that can't be put into words, but are more felt that I'm opening my eyes to again, and will hopefully be able to use to strengthen my own spirit even further.

Look I never really go for spirituality or religeon, or anything that tells you how to live your life, but this book is an amazing guide to the strength and spirituality of self that everyone has in them, and I'd recommend it to anyone who.... sorry, anyone, period.

Happy long weekend everyone, see you next time!

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