Sunday, August 23, 2009

Awkward Super Heroes

I've been tossing around some ideas for characters for some larger writing endeavor, and I feel its time to actually commit them to something a little more sound than my memory!

Theodore Glass is invulnerable, there is nothing on the planet that could hurt him, but he has no idea. Theodore hasn't taken a risk in his life, he has almost no friends, and lives in a constant state of paranoia about the (non-existent) risks of his everyday life. He works from home, working tech support over the phone, and never stepping foot outside his house.....

Dorian Grisman has been alive for 452 years. He has the benefit of the compiled knowledge of that time, but he has a problem: He is confined to two dimensions, having had a mad artist paint a portrait so good that it lives on as him well after his body .

Hugh Mannitz suffers from a rare physical dissociative disorder similar to multiple personality disorder, but actually wakes up as a physically different person every time he sleeps. His mind remains the same, but he occasionally is stuck in the body of a little girl (or anyone else for that matter).

Jacob Sparrow can't fly, but hes closer than most. While he knew all his life that he was different from others, he didn't know the full implications of his differences until a near tragedy when he was knocked off a parking tower by a passing police chase. After falling most of the way to the ground, Jacob landed gently on a cushion of air about two feel high that he could create under himself at will. Unfortunately, he couldn't move or expand the cushion, but it was always there when he fell.


I have others that perhaps I'll append at a later time, but thats a taster of the angle on super powers I want to take. I'd rather take superhero-type mutations and warp them to be a little less convenient!

PS - I'm open to suggestions for other "heroes" that might fit in with the gang too!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Na na na na, ba da da daaa!

"And Homer, if you could kill someone on the way out, that would help me a lot!" - Hank Scorpio (best villain ever!)

I've been on a Simpsons bender this week, rewatching old episodes at a furious rate! My all time favorite episode is You Only Move Twice (s8e2) from which I grabbed that delightful line. I'd just like to take a moment to pay tribute to the hilarious shows, movies and people that shaped my sense of humour, and by extension my view of life.
"We have to get these people to a hospital!"
"A hospital? What is it?"
"Its a big building with patients, but thats not important right now!"

Number one on the list is the deadpan genius known only as Leslie Nielson! From Airplane to Naked Gun (2 1/2, 33 1/3), to lesser known 90's spoofs such as (get a pen) Wrongfully Accused, and Spy Hard.

"Makes you feel so, sort of, insignificant doesn't it?"
"Yeah... yeah... So, can we have your liver then?"
"Yeah, alright, you talked me into it."

It was hard to pick just one bit of dialogue to represent the madness that is Monty Python! I didn't have a huge video collection, but what I did have was every one of Python's full length movies. Over the years I diligently memorized every bit of dialogue in the movies, and have been known to quote them at length if you don't tell me to shut up quick enough :P

"And why would the good people of England follow you, Robin?"
"Because unlike some other Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent!"

Oh Mel Brooks you funny funny man, I doubt it was a coincedence that you always played a (to varying degrees) beligerent, womanizing, drunk- but then again, you gotta play what you know!

There were lots of other influences over the years from the antics of Family Guy, to the word play of Arrested Developement, to the ... well the list goes on indefinitely, I'm sure you get the idea!

So in conclusion, I say, laugh and be merry, and any time you want a good comedy, odds are I can point you in the right direction!

"Man if I had a dick I'd go get laid!"
"Yeah, well, we're gonna do the next best thing."
"Whats that?"
"We're gonna kill people."

Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer of you knooooow whatever!

So here it is, the cold hard truth, its August already, and that means September is right around the corner... *shakes head in disgust*

I find myself looking back on the time thats passed since my life was turned upside down, and realizing that its already been half a year... Six months since I was folded in half under a car, wondering if I'd ever walk again... Its still so surreal...

Excuse me, I guess I'm just gathering my thoughts for tomorrow. I have an insurance sponsored psychological evaluation, and I'm not even sure what its about. I assume it has something to do with my settlement, an assessment of damage, and I really dont know what I'm going to say...

On one hand, I've been trying my best to live as close to a normal life as I can muster, and while the pain in my back has been a nearly constant companion, I've managed to at least appear normal...

But on the other hand, though I have been able to "maintain" a lifestyle, theres still so much thats missing, and that will be for so long... I miss being able to push myself to the brink of exaustion, or even at all. I miss being able to go out and get a job, my independance- both financial and functional... Just little things that seem so easy to attain...

Blegh, what a life we live- but you know, when it boils down, at least the foods good!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Party tricks!

So heres a funny story, I went for an adventure this weekend to a house party up in Woodbridge... A sub-urban neighbourhood still in the process of being built. We parked next to the big pile of dirt, and while I went into the place with the two best looking girls there, we were relatively unnoticed...

I played wall flower for a beer and a half, taking the party in, and watching bemusedly as the kids there played a drinking game called "mushroom", stacking playing cards precariously on the top of a beer bottle. When I got bored, I stepped outside, and sat down to spin one- immediately a slightly drunk person shows up at my side "Hey man, I need your guitar to impress a couple of girls inside" being the trusting sort, I let him, and sudenly I was "the coolest" just for having brought the guitar, having not yet even played it :P

Overall, an excellent evening, and an interesting adventure, I scored a foldout couch to sleep on and then on the train ride home, I sat packed into the GO train with a bunch of girls and lady-boys in gold bras and glitter doing eachothers' hair in front of me most of the way :)