Thursday, May 21, 2009

Late-night sentimental type crap

Yeah I know I already posted tonight, but some things were left unsaid, and I just half-watched a weird relationship movie. I wasn't really paying attention to all the details, but it got me thinking a lot about the nature of relationships, and people who go for that sort of thing....
I dunno, I'm in a weird place right now where I want to be a part of someone that isnt myself, and to start that process again, but I have so many doubts about .... Shit, where do I start? I have no income, and thus no money, I have barely any physical stability or strength, and I haven't got a meaningful social outlet for meeting new people except waiting in the welfare line.... And thats NOT a wholesome place to pick up! Fuck! Talk about damaged goods!

So what? Any suggestions?

What if I wrote a song called Drive

So the other day I came up with this chord progression that I thought sounded pretty sweet. On my way home from jamming with the guys I polished it and made it sound nice, something truly my own.... The next day I played it to myself, trying to make some semblance of a tune for the song- and that's when tragedy struck, tragedy in the form of a realization... My beautiful new song, was in fact a collaboration by Santana and Everlast...

Alas, the plight of the artist is common to all mediums, we strive to create new in a place where there is no more room for novelty... No, not novelty, but refinement, permutations, new from the old... I know this is old stuff, but I'm working it out in my mind as I put it to words...

As a part of my coming to terms with this fact, I've decided that the best course is to take a progression I like, and come up with my own tune, my own words and that will be the end of it... Wow thats funny, not long ago I had the same realization about writing... OK, that one is really obvious, but when I start wrapping my brain around an idea it sometimes takes a while, but then again some ideas are much bigger than you could ever initially imagine.

So in conclusion, the moral of the story is that.... Oh dang! I always suck at these... The moral is, brush your teeth every night, and don't sweat creative nonsense like creative cliches or patterns. They are inescapable, and whats more, a couple of generations down the road, there won't be anything that isnt a cliche, itll all have been done so much that its meaning has dissapeared!

Hesus! Do you have any idea what that means?!? It means that the so called non-conformist, individualist movement is just a sham!!! An agent of all that is conformity!!! And theres no escape! Its already to late!!! Holy Crap thats a lot of exclamation points!!!!!

If you'll excuse me, no novelty and no individuality makes Jules something something....

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Peaceful Warrior

Hey all, I just thought I'd mention this book that means a whole lot to me. The Peaceful Warrior is a story about a dude about my age, who is reasonably "happy" with his life, but then discovers with the help of an old mystic at a gas station that he has only scratched the surface of real happiness.
Part of his training is that he goes through spiritual and physical trauma. In doing so, he strengthens his spirit, and loses his mind, but in a beneficial way. He loses the part of his mind that provides him with obsession, worry, and noise in his head, and opens the gate to enlightenment, and unreasonable happiness. Unreasonable because you should never need a reason to be happy, happiness can be found in the simplest things, like the continuing magic of existance unfolding.
I really like the story, I read it a few years ago, and it was really nice to revisit it again now... IT left me realizing that I've found and applied some of the wisdom that the book has to offer, but there are still weaknesses in myself that I need to work on.... I'm still the fool with a spirit, caught up in my own drama.... There are a lot of ideas that are incredibly difficult to put into words, nay that can't be put into words, but are more felt that I'm opening my eyes to again, and will hopefully be able to use to strengthen my own spirit even further.

Look I never really go for spirituality or religeon, or anything that tells you how to live your life, but this book is an amazing guide to the strength and spirituality of self that everyone has in them, and I'd recommend it to anyone who.... sorry, anyone, period.

Happy long weekend everyone, see you next time!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sweet Something of Somewhere!

Jeez, I've been waiting almost 3 months for shit to start getting together after this supid accident and its still exactly where it was! We live in a left leaning country despite the efforts of our Conservative right-wingers in power, and yet it takes forever for help to get to those who need it, for example me... I applied for welfare and started recieving it automatically, but when it comes to our other support systems, I can't even get a human being on the phone, let alone get help when its needed. They set it up so you always need some paperwork that you don't have, and its remarkably simple how they do it; they send you a flood of paperwork and make it so that three other people have to sign it with you, yarg!!!

I've still got ideas flowing for my big writing effort as well. I'm not sure how you're supposed to go about doing this but I'm working on the ideas for characters, thats going OK so far, I don't want to ruin the sory so I won't say too much until I've actually got this thing in full swing. I also have the basic idea for the plot and how its going to unfold, but right now the creative skeleton is kind of brittle and in desperate need of fleshing out. Ah well, itll be fine, I'm just percolating for now....